Autumn Frills
Les Robes Noires
La tenue du jour: Noir!
Les Nouveaux Noirs
Les Jardins Noirs
Les Pièces Noires
The Armory Show
Art Athina
björns trädgård
riot rose, rosy riot
Paintings 2016
Kattpaus i Tantrummet
Epic Hat meet på Hallwylska
Lolitameet på Citykonditoriet
Finbesök i Rågsved
På väg till ett meet
Maria på Drottningholm
Victoria in a dress from Pomp-A-dour
Andrea in a hat and bolero from Imperial Fiddlesticks Emporium I
Andrea in a hat and bolero from Imperial Fiddlesticks Emporium II
Andrea in a hat and bolero from Imperial Fiddlesticks Emporium III
Eva in a dress from Ergi by Piratessan I
Eva in a dress from Ergi by Piratessan II
Eva in a dress from Ergi by Piratessan III
Shivan in a dress from Leif without all the houses and stars 1
Shivan in a dress from Leif without all the houses and stars 2
Shivan in a dress from Leif without all the houses and stars 3
Shivan in a dress from Leif without all the houses and stars 4
Valentina in Alice and the Pirates pants 1
Valentina in Alice and the Pirates pants 2
Valentina in Alice and the Pirates pants 3
Melinda i Björkhagen
Ylva på Fiskargatan
Maria vid Nytorget
Sanna in Yoyogi Park
Camilla in Yoyogi Park
Andie in Washington Square Park
Naim i Tantolunden

Johan och Sebastien i Observatorielunden
Take him out tonight
Enter the Animal Garden
Last night under the parasol
Precious Darling Hideyoshi
Darker darker still
When she was in a band
Sometimes we could se her through the foliage

The last picnic with the family
Yama no ie
A dream within a dream
The Church lies in Shadows
Baby the Stars Shine Bright
Come in with the golden light
The Light has Frozen Over
Japan is Only a Million Miles Away
the Tibetan Book of the Dead and other Selected Magic Items
Fairytails for Engla
Let Thy Castle Come
Det handlade inte om kärlek
De var aldrig ett par